Patient journey

Our commitment : speed, transparency, listening and rigorous management of your request.

How do we proceed ?

1st step

Your request

Sending your request by email or by telephone contact.

We will contact you within 48 hours (excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays) to obtain more information on your request.


2nd step

Search for specialists for your pathology

We send you a list of professionals specialized in your pathology. To establish this list, we base ourselves on the information that you sent us during the 1st step.

You choose the doctor, surgeon or dentist who will follow you and take care of you.


3rd step

Receipt of a detailed quote corresponding to your requests

We send youdetailed estimateof ourservice offeradapted to your requests.

The hospital care quote can be attached or sent separately.


4th step

Welcome, personalized and professional support

Your stay in Lyonor another town in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region — reception, support, supervision of your stay until your departure – depending on your requests


5th step

Follow-up for 1 month after your return

After your return home, the duration of our telephone or WhatsApp follow-up is one year , if you live abroad.