The news
from LyonMedcare
Medical concierge in Lyon

French medicine

French medicine

French medicine was born in the Middle Ages, officially. The founding of certain medical faculties dates back to this time. But, sorcerers, religious people, Greek, Roman or Arab scholars... practiced certain gestures and recommended certain...

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Lyon and medicine

Lyon and medicine

Over the centuries, these establishments developed on the hills of Fourvière and Croix-Rousse. Currently, 4 faculties of medicine, a faculty of odontology, a faculty of pharmacy and several schools and training institutes train...

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Consular celebrations of Lyon-June 2022

Consular celebrations of Lyon-June 2022

Consular Festivals are organized annually by the City of Lyon. They take place on Place Bellecour, in the city center, in front of the equestrian statue of Louis XIV. For around twenty years, they have allowed Lyon residents to explore...

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Santexpo Paris 2022 – our feedback

Santexpo Paris 2022 – our feedback

What is Santexpo? Santexpo is a trade fair for health professionals. It is organized each year by the Fédération Hospitalière de France, in Paris. Physically absent since the outbreak of COVID in France, it reopened its doors this year. Also, we...

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