Over the centuries, these establishments developed on the hills of Fourvière and Croix-Rousse.

Currently, 4 faculties of medicine, a faculty of odontology, a faculty of pharmacy and several schools and training institutes train medical and paramedical professionals.

Keen to share their knowledge and practices, Lyon doctors frequently provide training of foreign doctors .

They regularly publish in international journals and participate in medical conferences or organize national and international congresses in Lyon.

One of the interior courtyards of the Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon – digestive resuscitation service at the level of the small upper windows, over time

Representation of the Charité hospital – café de la Cloche – Lyon

Over the centuries, these establishments developed on the hills of Fourvière and Croix-Rousse.

Currently, 4 faculties of medicine, a faculty of odontology, a faculty of pharmacy and several schools and training institutes train medical and paramedical professionals.

Keen to share their knowledge and practices, Lyon doctors frequently provide training of foreign doctors . They regularly publish in international journals. And, they participate in medical conferences or organize national and international congresses in Lyon.

Health establishments

There is more of 50 health establishments in Lyon and its surrounding areas . They are of different natures: public, private or others such as establishments participating in the public hospital service… The members of LyonMedCare worked there for several years.

The population is cared for, from birth until the end of life, for somatic and psychological pathologies. The High Health Authority has certified them all. She guarantees the quality of patient care and the competence of those who treat them.

Patients come from all over the world to benefit from medical, surgical and dental treatments which are at the cutting edge of research in certain disciplines.

Lyon is the seat of Hospices Civils de Lyon , the 2nd university hospital center in France. It is made up of 14 hospitals. Three major centers exist: the North Hospital Group, the South Hospital Group and the East Hospital Group. And, certain hospitals are specialized in the care of age groups of the population such as the Women's Mother Child Hospital or certain pathologies such as the Pierre Wertheimer Neurological and Neurosurgical Hospital.

The Léon Bérard Center is the cancer center in Lyon and Rhône-Alpes. It is specifically specialized in oncology: diagnosis, treatments and research. He is a member of the French national federation of cancer centers, UNICANCER.

Saint-Jean district, Lyon

Lyon is a region of excellence in health


The Lyon metropolis is home to a particularly rich ecosystem in terms of life sciences, long recognized worldwide, particularly in the field of public health and some Scientific Research .

Members of the P4 Jean Mérieux laboratory, a highly secure laboratory, carry out research on very dangerous viruses and pathogenic elements such as the Ebola virus, which is fatal to humans.

Many laboratories are located within hospitals, universities and the École Normale Supérieure, whether they belong to INSERM, CNARS or not. The Gerland organic district brings together some of them. For example, the new International Cancer Research Center is located there and the World Health Organization academy will be built there.

The vaccine industry and different diagnostic techniques is represented by global groups such as Bio Mérieux, Sanofi Pasteur, Boehringer Ingenheim Santé Animale, but also SMEs.

This ecosystem unites around Lyonbiopôle, the health competitiveness cluster bringing together nearly 230 structures. It wants to encourage and facilitate innovation and the development of products, services and uses for health.

One health

Alongside human health, animal health plays a key role in Lyon. Thus, the veterinary school, VetAgro Sup (the national institute of higher education and research in food, animal health, agronomic and environmental sciences) and INRAE (national research institute for agriculture and environment) are hosted there.

This shows that our health, human health, also depends on animal health and our environment.