What is Santexpo?
Santexpo is a health professionals’ show. It is organized each year by the Fédération Hospitalière de France, in Paris.
Physically absent since the outbreak of COVID in France, it reopened its doors this year. Also, we were very happy to go there to meet other health professionals and hear about Europe.
Europe and health
Because to underline the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the common theme of the show was the following:
The European Union administration has played an important role in the fight against Covid, in different ways. This is how the European Medicines Agency evaluated and controlled different vaccines before their use within Europe. It is one of its other services which has placed orders for vaccines from different laboratories to protect the population of different European countries. However, something essential was missing in our eyes, namely a body ensuring a coordinating role between the different health systems. We healthcare workers have become aware of the need to set up a Europe of Health. Its aim would be to encourage the exchange of information and to help carry out joint health projects. Improving patient care could be a first example. Another could be the development of a public health and health prevention strategy. We noted that different speakers developed this idea of a Europe of Health during conferences at the show.
Other conference topics
Leaving the theme of Europe, we continued with other interventions on the care of particular patients, the decompartmentalization of the hospital and the strengthening of the link with the city.
Visit to the stands
Between two seminars, we also circulated to take advantage of the new products presented on the stands. They were very diverse. Because they concerned the care pathway, the patient's place in their care. But also care equipment, the use of robots in the operating room, teleconsultation and of course, various software...
For example, we were able to test the use of facial recognition via a tablet, with the aim of taking vital constants such as pulse, temperature, oxygen saturation, etc. And we were able to compare the data obtained with those of a connected watch worn by one of us. There were some small differences between them, which raised the question of the reliability of the values collected by these two tools.
And next year?
Well, we have already planned to return next year with other members of LyonMedCare . Because we are enchanted by everything we have seen and heard. And we wish to continue our discussions with the people we met.