French medicine was born in the Middle Ages, officially. The founding of certain medical faculties dates back to this time. But, sorcerers, religious people, Greek, Roman or Arab scholars… practiced certain gestures and recommended certain treatments. Its teaching and practice have evolved thanks to various scientific discoveries. They have allowed a better understanding of the human body and its functioning. The practice of medicine in France is carried out in accordance with the Hippocratic Oath, which includes the following sentence:
First, do no harm
This explains why the quality of care and the competence of French doctors allow them to rank among the best in the world.

After the Second World War
In 1945 , the state created Social Security to promote access to care for every French person, among others. It provides partial reimbursement for care: consultations, hospitalizations, medical treatments and paramedical care. And, it regulates the health system by contributing to the operation of all medical-social establishments.
As a result, health is one of the largest expenditure items for social protection in France.
In addition, among OECD countries, France is one of the countries that devotes the most wealth to the current health expenditure . Only the USA, Germany and Switzerland spend more. Sweden, Japan and Canada spend less.
In 2020, 12.4% of French GDP is devoted to health.

Quality, innovation and research
This significant share of state investment in health allows the French health system to offer multidisciplinary care to patients respecting quality criteria of care and the guarantee of good medical practices via the High Authority of Health. The medical populations and that of paramedical caregivers are numerous. They are normally available throughout France. Among the different health establishments, university hospitals have numerous technologies and technical platforms which allow them to participate in the teaching of future health professionals, but also to position themselves at the forefront of medical research.
LyonMedCare is part of this desire to offer a quality care pathway to patients in care. International certification procedures for the company are being considered.